5 Key Tips for Better Brushing and Flossing

5 Key Tips for Better Brushing and Flossing
February 25, 2022  | IN UNCATEGORIZED

Brushing and flossing are two of the most important things a person can do to take care of their teeth and should be a perpetual aspect of every person’s daily routine. Do you think you’re taking full, proper care of your teeth and oral health? Think again!

The majority of people today are neglecting their oral health and not getting the full and lasting effect proper brushing and flossing will have. Modern Dental Care in Las Vegas, Nevada is here to help by providing the best tips for optimum brushing and flossing near you!

Did you know there are certain ways to brush and floss that will offer the best results while avoiding dental issues that may otherwise arise? At Modern Dental Care in Las Vegas, Nevada, we offer the best tips to our patients to help them take optimum care of their oral health to best avoid ongoing dental issues.

These are the five steps to achieve the best brushing and flossing in Las Vegas, Nevada, helping all patients take care of the harder-to-reach areas of their teeth and gums:

  1. Brush for at least 2 minutes. Brushing for any less will not allow for optimum brushing of all areas of the singular teeth and gums.
  2. Focus on the back teeth as these are the most neglected teeth on average as viewed by dentists.
  3. Make sure to change your routine and start your brushing sequence in a different area each time. This alternating sequence helps to ensure no teeth are neglected as the teeth regularly brushed last in your routine receive the least time and are therefore the most neglected.
  4. Always thoroughly clean your toothbrushes to remove the build-up of any harmful bacteria.
  5. Replacing your toothbrush every 3-4 months is strongly advised as the bristles will weaken and break down overuse.

By following these tips, our dentist in Las Vegas, Nevada promises all patients that when they brush and floss, they remove all of the food build-ups that eventually cause long-lasting dental issues if left untreated.

Our dentists near you will always be happy to answer any further questions you have concerning your dental and oral health. Call now to learn more!